Overcoming Limiting Beliefs & Unlocking Your True Potential

One big aspect of being in a healing journey is overcoming those limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs  are deeply engrained negative thoughts and perceptions of yourself or the world that hold you back from obtaining a full experience in the name of “protecting” you. 

These limiting beliefs stem from young age, experiences and thought patterns from yourself or the people around you. They develop as protection from experiencing fear or rejection. 

How to Identify Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are deeply rooted in your subconscious mind, meaning that at times they show up with no effort to your conscious mind. It’s almost like they pop out of nowhere, with no invitation. In order to overcome limiting beliefs, we must identify them. Identifying limiting beliefs allows us to get understanding of our thought process. To do so we need to become aware of our self talk and thoughts we have about ourselves and the world around us. This step does take time and practice, as it requires your attention and awareness.

 What are the beliefs that present themselves for example when you look at yourself in the mirror? Or what thoughts do you have of yourself when you have the opportunity to speak or share your ideas to others? What are your beliefs of obtaining and having money? Notice the thoughts that underestimate your confidence or give you a negative narrative of yourself and the world. 

Common Limiting beliefs include

  • I’m not good/ beautiful/ smart enough

  • Money is scarce, wealth is hard to obtain

How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Now that you have identified the limiting beliefs, you need to reframe them. Reframing is a technique that allows you to look at a situation in which these beliefs are coming from, in a different perspective. Best way to do this is to implement positive affirmations when you notice these limiting beliefs show up. 

My favorite thing to do when I was starting the mindset change was to say “cancelado sea” it means its canceled in Spanish. Since words are vibration, I imagined that by me saying that I was counteracting or cancelling the thought and spoken word I had previously said. It allowed me time to think of a positive affirmation to say or think instead. 

Consciously reframing a thought into a positive one reinforces your capabilities and potential, do so regularly in order to reprogram your subconscious mind. 

Common examples to use as affirmations are

  • I am capable of improving, learning

  • I have the ability to attract abundance and create wealth

How to Unlock Your True Potential

Embrace Failure and understand that failure is a stepping stone to mastering something. We are not going to get things right the first time, I mean, unless you can. But it won’t happen all the time, you know what I mean? So we can’t allow ourselves to not try something because there’s a possibility of us failing. See yourself in the best version possible, what does that look like for you? Try it out. I know the outcome will be better than what you imagined, if not, I’m sure you learned how to perfect it!

Choose the company you keep, our biggest influencers and inspirators are the people we have around us. Make sure those people are feeding your mind and spirit inspiration. Our environment influences our mindset and perceptions. Engage in activities that nourish your mind, body and spirit. Practice gratitude for what you currently have, it will open your consciousness to become aware for more things to be grateful for. This practice allows you to see yourself and the world around in a more positive way. By engaging in positivity, you will strengthen your belief in your potential.

If you need additional help in overcoming limiting beliefs, I welcome you to download the 30-day workbook here


Limiting beliefs are blocks to personal growth and achieving success, but if you are able to identify and reframe them you can change them to assist you in achieving new heights. It will require your awareness and consistency but you can overcome these limiting beliefs and unlock great potential. You can overcome mindset obstacles, unlock your true potential and create a life filled with purpose and success, I’m rooting for you!


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