The Importance of Chakras For Overall Wellness

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Our Chakras, also known as energy centers are a very important aspect to our overall wellness.  I will explain the benefits of having healthy aligned Chakras, and how you can get your Chakras aligned.  

What is a Chakra?

Our minds and bodies are our physical form, while our emotions and spirit is our etheric or spiritual form. The Chakras are the bridge connecting the physical and the Spiritual. Complete wellness involves the balance between these two aspects of self. 

Each Chakra vibrates at a different frequency and affects or is affected by our physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health. You can use your awareness and intuition to check in with each of your chakras, they can be aligned with intention and practice.

We have 114 chakras in the body, but in this post we will discuss the 7 major chakras. 

Root Chakra

The first chakra and I would say the most important is the Root Chakra. Its color is red and it is situated at the base of your spine/tailbone. Energetically, the Root Chakra is our center of grounding, safety, and security. When balanced you feel present and connected to your body. You feel safe in this physical existence, within your relationships, and in your energy.

When out of balance, this manifests as feelings of insecurity, not feeling safe, and difficulty meeting your basic needs. When energy is not flowing freely through the chakras it causes an energetic blockage which then manifests as a physical illness.

For the Root Chakra, these physical manifestations include problems with the lower back, legs, knees, and feet.

Balancing & Clearing The Root Chakra

Meditations, where you visualize a bright red orb at the base of your spine, is a great way to start your chakra balancing technique. You can also meditate with sound, The Root Chakra carries a 432Hz frequency. An easy approach is to let your feet touch the grass, walk barefoot, envision you’re merging with Mother Earth.You can also use crystals, Garnet, black tourmaline, and smokey quartz is my go-to for the Root Chakra. Eating red fruits and vegetables to stabilize and ground the Root chakra is very helpful.

My all-time favorite is energy healing, it allows for a gentle and fast transmutation of the energies and brings the chakras back to balance. You can experience a healing session with me here.

Sacral Chakra

The second chakra is the Sacral Chakra. Its associated color is orange, and energetically, it is located below our belly button. This Chakra houses the energy for our creativity, sexuality, emotional expression, and pleasures. When our Sacral Chakra is healthy we can express our sexuality safely, we have creative expressions and outputs, and can engage in pleasure safely. 

Energy not flowing freely through this chakra will have you feeling blocked creatively, shameful about sexuality, or self-conscious.

Physically, this imbalance manifests as issues with hips, lower abdominal, and sexual organs.

Balancing & Clearing The Sacral Chakra

visualization, sound, and guided meditations are great for balancing the energies of the Chakras. For the Sacral Chakra, focus your intention on the color orange growing in the area below your belly button. If using crystals and stones to assist in balancing the energy of this chakra, I suggest using Carnelian.

Eating natural orange-colored foods like carrots and oranges is powerful as well. Since the energy is within the hips, dancing is a great option to elevate energy flow.

Energy healing is an excellent modality to bring your chakras to their energetic balance; you can experience a healing session with me here.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Our 3rd Chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra, and its color is yellow. It is energetically located a couple of inches above our belly button. I like to visualize this chakra in the middle of my stomach. Your identity to self, your ego, confidence, and willpower are housed here.

When this chakra is healthy and aligned, we are self-assured, carry a healthy ego, and are assertive. An out-of-balance or weak Chakra manifests as having poor boundaries and a weak sense of self.

Physically the imbalance of a Solar Plexus Chakra manifests as stomach and middle back issues.

Balancing & Clearing the Solar Plexus Chakra

Bringing this Chakra to balance can be done intentionally, just like the others. Imagine a yellow orb shining brightly from the middle of your stomach, your power center. You can introduce a few yoga poses to strengthen your core and balance.

Revitalizing the energy of the chakras assists the physical body. You can work with Tiger's Eye or Citrine crystals to balance the energy. Yellow-colored foods assist in healing. Eating fruits and vegetables and leaving the unhealthy yellow snacks for another day is best.

Energy healing is another excellent spiritual tool for balancing and aligning the body's energies. You can experience a healing and alignment session with me here.

Maslows Hierarchy

I like to compare the chakras to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

The lower chakras need to have balanced and clear energy for us to function safely in society. The higher Chakras can only be balanced properly after the Solar, Sacral, and Root have been. When seeking personal and spiritual growth, we must ground our roots and form a stable and safe foundation.

Our Chakras teach us about our needs; we must pay attention. 

Heart Chakra

Located in the center of your chest is your heart chakra, the 4th chakra; its color is a beautiful green.

Here resides the love for yourself and the love and compassion for others. The Heart Chakra connects the lower three physical and the higher three spiritual chakras.

When the lower Chakras are not healthy and aligned, we tend to have issues with energizing the heart chakra and, therefore, balancing the ones above it. The energies flow up and down the body, and a blockage in one of the Chakras doesn’t allow this energy to flow as it should.

A balanced and healthy Chakra allows us to process emotions safely; we view ourselves with love and compassion. An open and balanced heart chakra allows us to have the same sentiments for others.

When the heart chakra becomes imbalanced or weak, we become possessive or hold resentment, anger, and bitterness.

A physical manifestation of an imbalance in this chakra is heart, lungs, and respiratory system issues. 

Balancing & Clearing the Heart Chakra

You can balance energy flow into this chakra with several tools and modalities.

One would be physical exercise. Walking or going to the gym can assist with pumping blood as well as energy through your body. My favorite machine is this mini stepper *paid* I got from Amazon to get my exercise in. Working with Emerald or Rose Quartz crystals in meditation or journaling is extremely helpful. 

Throat Chakra

The 5th Chakra is the Throat Chakra, its color association is blue and its energetic location is your throat.

A balanced throat chakra allows us to express ourselves honestly and speak our truth.

An unbalanced throat chakra expresses itself as us being judgemental and critical.

Physically, this energetic blockage causes issues with our throat, jaw, mouth, neck. 

Balancing & Clearing the Throat Chakra

Constantly trying to speak authentically, singing, and humming can help bring balance to this chakra.

My favorite crystals to work with for the throat chakra are Lapis Lazuli and Aventurine.

Visualizing a blue orb from your throat during meditation helps balance this chakra. Energy Healing to balance and restore this chakra to optimal health also helps.

Third-Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is the most talked-about in the spiritual community because it is connected to spiritual gifts, although all chakras help us with spiritual gifts.

The 3rd eye chakra the 6th Chakra and is situated in the middle of our foreheads,  it is associated with the color purple.

Here is the seat of our intuition, our discernment, and intellect.

When this chakra is balanced we can use reasoning to solve problems, we can see things beyond the veil.

When not balanced, our 3rd eye makes us overthink and feel confused.

A physical manifestation of this energetic imbalance manifests itself as headaches, eye issues, and sinus problems.

Balancing & Clearing The Third Eye Chakra

Meditation with Amethyst is the most popular crystal for balancing the 3rd eye Chakra. There are other crystals and stones you can quickly research for and see which you prefer.

Rubbing diluted lavender essential oil on your forehead during meditation is excellent for aromatherapy. Energy Healing assists with headaches from energy blockages. You can schedule a healing session with me here.

Crown Chakra

Our 7th and last major chakra is the crown chakra. It is located at the top of our heads, and the color associated with this chakra is white.

The crown chakra is the energetic connection to source, God, the Universe, and our higher selves.

When balanced, this chakra allows us to feel a connection to Divine Source, feel guided and supported, and perceive the messages our guides are sending us.

A blocked Crown Chakra may manifest as an unwillingness to be open to the ideas, thoughts, and opinions of others; it also causes us spiritual distress.

Physically an energetic blockage manifests as neurological disorders, migraines, and insomnia. 

Balancing & Clearing the Crown Chakra

Balancing and Clearing this Chakra can be done through meditation, journaling, and using crystals and stones.

Clear quartz is an excellent crystal to work with for the crown chakra. I also like working with Selenite for the Crown and the rest of the chakras.

Energy Healing also works to open, balance, and clear the Crown Chakra.


As you can see, our chakras are in charge of specific areas in our bodies. Our mental, physical, and spiritual health assists or puts these areas in less optimal health. Overall wellness is achieved by considering all aspects of self and listening to the body. 

Which Chakra have you been working on? How do you balance your chakras? Let me know in the comments. 

Hugs & Blessings, 


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