Overcoming Fear of Judgement in Spiritual Practices
Overcoming the fear of being judged while being on a spiritual path or that of initiation, is something that many people face. I faced it myself when starting my journey outside of the realms of my upbringin.
This fear can at times becomes debilitating, makes you question yourself and can push you away from continuing the journey. Other times, this fear of judgement allows for false beliefs and confusion to harbor your mind, therefore becoming a distraction from what you need to do.
There isn’t much judgement when it comes to the main stream religious practices, however when we steer into spirituality that isn’t regularly practiced, you may get some side eye. Many of us experience judgement from those closest to us, our family.
Front Row To The Fear Show
Fear of judgement will have you standing on the side lines of your own potential. When it comes to spiritual practices, or anything for that matter; fear of judgement can hold you back. Being raised in a Catholic household and then having corporate jobs made me truly question many things. Most of those questions stemmed from fear of judgement, fear of being seen, fear of feeling like I lost my damn mind.
Imagine having met the expectations of those who raised you or continuing with the status quo only to then turn around and you want to spray florida water and smoke cleanse a room becuase you picking up on their nasty vibe, HA! No but seriously, that’s how it felt for me.
I experienced fear of judgement with expressing my interest to my family, coming out as a spiritual (or as my closest like to say a bruja) healer on my social media, and having my job find my interests. These fears locked me in my own box, where growing was not a choice. Not to mention, when you have a spiritual calling, when you need to grow out of your mental and emotional confiments…. the calling gets louder.
I had no other choice but to put my big girl panties and show up! At the end of the day, after all is said and done; we live the consequenses of our choices.. which one will you pick?
Here I will provide you some tips to help you in moving through fear of judgement and walking the path that you have been called to walk with full boldness and empowerment.
Remain Rooted In Your Faith
When we look at the word faith, it means to have complete trust and confidence in something. When looking at fear of judgement, analyze who you are placing this confidence in. Fear of judgement, again will displace the power that you need, its up to you to keep the focus and that energy in yourself and the higher calling that you have.
Remaining rooted in your faith means to remain rooted in your belief and your undersanding of where your spiritual practices will be taking you.
We are all on different paths to the highest and greatest good of ourselves and humanity, so you need to understand that the judgement placed is coming from their perspectives. Stay true to what you believe to be true within your heart, stay true to what brings you mental and emotional wealth.
Practice Your Spirituality Often
Just like when you are going to the gym on a consistent basis, or learn a language.. your spiritual practices require that same consistency. Look at your spiritual practices and the time and energy you devote to them as strengthening the layers of your protective aura.
With consistency, you are strengtening the connection between you and the Divine and at the same time becoming more empowered becuase you know, you can only make decisions based on your experiences.
Continue doing your prayers, journaling, meditations. Attend ceremonies and events that reinforce your beliefs. Go to places and enviroments that allow you to commune with Spirit.
Practicing your spirituality often, and not just when you are in a bind will help you overcoming fear of judgement. Your faith in what you believe to be true will be unwavering.
Engage With Like Minded People
Having spiritual practices that difer from mainstream can often feel like you are alone, practicing. There’s other people thinking the same thing.
Search for groups online or in your neighborhood that can help strengthen your practices. There’s webinars where you can meet people, or go on social media. The internet has made gathering and meeting people easy to do. Use resources to find your tribe.
Engaging with like minded individuals helps strengthen your belief and reduce the fear of judgement. You can also learn from them and add or change things within your practice.
Spiritual energy also gets cultivated in groups, be open to expanding your horizons. Remember to explore safely and if your intuition is warning you, listen to it.
Connect With Your Heart - The Seed of Wisdom
Spend time listening to your heart. It will never guide you wrong. To build this connection you need to trust yourself and have confidence in what it is that you are feeling. If you need help in how to develop this connection, you can book a session with me here.
In order to release the fear of judgement, you need to remain loyal to what is is truth to your heart. You will always know when you are making decisions from a aligned place of truth because it will feel empowered or with some sort of certainty. When you are not sure, this feeling will feel make you feel unsure, confused and uncertain.
This is why connection with your heart, with your truth is important when releasing fear of judgement and embarking on spiritual practices.
Your mind may create answers based on current scenarios, but your heart wont steer you wrong.
You know what it is that you need to do, you know how it is that you need to do it. do your spiritual practices how they best feel good for you and your journey. Forget the judgement that is placed on you this is your life, you live out your souls happiness how you like. Other people are living out theirs, do you boo!
Xo, Mirtha